We’re here safe and sound.

Just a quick note to let you know that we are here safe and sound. Incredibly tired, but thankful indeed for a safe journey. Today’s trip was indeed the most exciting trip we’ve taken thus far. The distance that we’ve come in miles is nothing compared to the distance we’ve travelled in culture, and in geography. We saw incredible poverty today in the city of San Pedro Sula, and yet what incredible beauty we saw in the mountains of Honduras! We got here after dark, but we know that we’ll be overtaken by the dawn tomorrow as we look out over the Caribbean.

Right now I have what appears to be a monkey chattering at me from a tree outside of our window at a distance of 10 feet or so – should make for an interesting night’s sleep. It is very hot here, and there is no AC in the rooms. It looks like I finally found a way to drop a few pounds – sweat it off! 🙂

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above yea heavenly hosts. Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost. Amen!