Note: please see post 1 – Intro, post 2 – Family, post 3 – Work, and post 4 Mission and Ministry
Marinajo is in a real growth spurt spiritually. Every time I turn around, she is buried in this Bible study or that Chapter in the Bible. She is helping to teach a sexual purity class (based on the Bible) in the local schools and hosts a weekly Bible study for a couple of girls from a neighboring village. All indications are that she is having an eternal impact here as she continues to turn her life over to Christ. She continues to amaze me in the depth and ways that she loves me. I remember saying to myself early on in our relationship some 23 years ago, that this is a woman who loves deeply. I am still amazed by this. We celebrate 20 years of marriage this year. I’ve promised to take her on a fabulous Caribbean vacation for our twentieth, but she gives me this sideways look (I call it the fish eye) of suspicion, because we already live on the Caribbean and I think that she is afraid that I’ll take over to the next village for supper or something.