I’ve come across so much incredible Gospel content online in the last few weeks, I thought I might just run down a quick highlight reel below. I pray that someone is encouraged the way that I was by some of these amazing podcasts, articles, and videos. ~ DF
Broken to Comfort the Broken: How Quadriplegia Prepared Me to Carry Others – Eareckson Tada
I’ve grown so much in my love and respect for Joni Eareckson Tada in the last several years. For me, she is a human embodiment of “take up your cross and follow me.”
A Hidden Epidemic God Hates – Hoppe
We’ve seen a huge spike in domestic abuse of all kinds during the quarantine / lock down. This particular article deals with a kind of “Christian” domestic abuse that we’re finally starting to talk about. One reason that we have so little credibility with outsiders is our persistent denial of sin in our midst. This is one area that we shouldn’t deny, but confront head on in the church.
The Secret to Being Content with Your Bank Balance – Piper
This is a lesson that I have to learn over and over again. An area where I believe the Lord is taking me with this topic (contentedness) is that I also have to expand this to be content with other areas of my life in the same way that God calls me to be content with my “bank balance.” This includes being content with a certain amount of food, friends, intimacy, physical health, etc. There are LOTS of areas that God is calling me to be content in. The lessons in this article easily translate to most of these other areas in my life.
This is a really unique take on a passage of scripture that has traditionally been viewed only one way (from the woman’s perspective and too often with way too much pressure to be perfect). The man (presumably the husband) here is one that may defy some traditionally Christian thinking, but he is certainly one that we should aspire to. I love this fresh look at a passage that is very familiar to most Christians.
Shai Linne on the Gospel and Ethnic Unity
My life is already too full to be able to listen to the dozens, if not hundreds, of podcasts that I want to be able to listen to. Because this podcast is a) on a topic that I am passionate about, b) done by someone who is associated with Immanuel church in Nashville and c) is relevant to the multicultural counseling course we are taking for our Master’s program right now, I allowed myself the joy of listening to this gospel drenched talk on unity in the church. I have SO MUCH more to say on this topic, but none of it any better than my brother Shai, so I will be silent (for now – smile) and urge you to listen to every word here. This is beautiful!
I’m constantly amazed at the quantity of heavy Gospel hitters that are a part of Immanuel Nashville. All of our kids attend this church and Marinajo and I plan to pursue membership there as well. We absolutely love it. There is a group of Gospel focused men who share the pulpit in ways that I haven’t seen done before. It takes a strong leader with a huge amount of humility to share “his” pulpit the way that TJ Tims does (thank you, TJ, for this). You just don’t see that in a world of “rock-star” head pastors of large churches these days. The two sermons below (both by TJ) are two of the best expository sermons you will ever hear on John 14. Both sermons are pouring out the Gospel and both are great examples of why we never need to “get past” the Gospel in our weekly church services. It is the power of God unto salvation!
This is the Easter service. The text is John 14:1. The whole service is great (about 45 minutes long) but the sermon starts at min 14:15 and runs for about 25 minutes.
This is last week’s service. The text is John 14:2-3. This is by far the best exegetical sermon I’ve heard on this very familiar passage of scripture, but what makes it so special is its immediate Gospel relevance to right now and every day that we live as Christians. The sermon starts at about 17:20 and goes for about 25 minutes.
Well, I certainly hope that one or more of these was a blessing to someone. This is something that I’ve wanted to do with this blog for some time now. This is my first shot at it. Please let me know if it is something you’d like to see more of or if you have any suggestions as to how it might be improved.
Blessings, DF