May 14th – our third day in Honduras.

Apparently God wanted me to take it easy today. I’ve discovered that Montezuma fellow is still around. I was up about half the night – but already feeling better. I believe that this will be mercifully short. As I sit here on the back porch of “staff housing”, I look out over many acres of […]

What are you looking for?

Marinajo asked me an interesting question this morning. “What negatives have you seen so far?” After thinking for a minute, I answered that I wasn’t looking for any, so none had appeared. I’m really glad she asked the question, because it lead me to think about something that I think is an important lesson in […]

May 13th – our second day in Honduras

Tuesday (5/13) was our first day at the hospital. We awoke hot and tired, but so thankful to finally be here. We attended the morning devotions (in Spanish) sparsely attended and a very quiet, humble affair led by a local pastor. He lead is in one song while playing guitar and then spoke for about […]